• Efka.sk
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+421 902 426 009
opening hours
8.00 AM - 7:00 PM
Trnava, Slovakia

Margaret E. Sangster

“No one should teach who is not in love with teaching.”

Jim Henson

“[Kids] don't remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.”


days taught





About me

A positive attitude can really make dreams come true - it did for me.

Hello everyone, my name is Monika Potfajova and I am a full- time English teacher and educator. I guess you are here as you want to know a bit more about me :)

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason, even though we don’t understand it straight away. That is how I would describe me becoming an English teacher. I studied International Commerce and Marketing and I have always loved sales. But after selling educational materials and working with parents and children, I discovered my passion. I really love teaching. For me teaching is everything that gives a child a chance to broaden its horizons.

So how do I teach? I like to teach in a way children and adults like to be taught and they learn easily. That is why I have different certifications that have at the first sight nothing to do with English teaching (as the school defines it).

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latest references

Esther S.

Do you want to raise a great kid as well? Then Monika will be very helpful!

My name is Esther. Together with Bjorn and my 2 year's old daughter I moved from the Netherlands to Bratislava in February 2013. From the beginning Monica has been of big help to our family. She has been carefully babysitting our daughter Mijnt...read more

Lenka Č.

Moniku nám odporúčalo veľa ľudí z miesta, kde bývame. Začala k nám chodiť, keď syn ešte nemal 6 mesiacov, dnes ma takmer 3 roky a Monika k nám chodí stále. Hľadala som niekoho, kto by na neho rozprával anglicky, aby angličtinu považoval za prirodzenú...read more

Tatiana H.

Prečo Monika?
Hlavne preto, že:
- učí moje obe deti viac ako 3 roky a je to jedina aktivita, pri ktorej nikto nikdy neprotestuje (ani raz... skutočne). Všetky ostatné mimoškolské aktivity sa len obmieňajú a po čase ich prestanú baviť. (MONIKA DOKÁŽE DETI ZAUJAŤ DLH...read more

More references

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