• Efka.sk
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+421 902 426 009
opening hours
8.00 AM - 7:00 PM
Trnava, Slovakia

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Esther S.
08 January 2019

Do you want to raise a great kid as well? Then Monika will be very helpful!

My name is Esther. Together with Bjorn and my 2 year's old daughter I moved from the Netherlands to Bratislava in February 2013. From the beginning Monica has been of big help to our family. She has been carefully babysitting our daughter Mijnt... read more

Lenka Č.
04 January 2019

Moniku nám odporúčalo veľa ľudí z miesta, kde bývame. Začala k nám chodiť, keď syn ešte nemal 6 mesiacov, dnes ma takmer 3 roky a Monika k nám chodí stále. Hľadala som niekoho, kto by na neho rozprával anglicky, aby angličtinu považoval za prirodzenú... read more

Tatiana H.
02 January 2019

Prečo Monika?
Hlavne preto, že:
- učí moje obe deti viac ako 3 roky a je to jedina aktivita, pri ktorej nikto nikdy neprotestuje (ani raz... skutočne). Všetky ostatné mimoškolské aktivity sa len obmieňajú a po čase ich prestanú baviť. (MONIKA DOKÁŽE DETI ZAUJAŤ DLH... read more

Barbara H.
18 December 2018

Od momentu, kedy som si povedala, že chcem mať deti som si zároveň uvedomovala, že im do vienka musím dať schopnosť dorozumieť sa niekoľkými jazykmi. Vedela som, že to chce začať s nimi ihneď a že to chce niekoho, kto nielenže plynule hovorí v cudzej reči, ale chápe detskú dušu... read more

Jana K. (mother of 11, 7 and 5 year old)
10 December 2018

We have found Monika to be a perfect match to our family not only in introducing English to our little ones but also in leading the oldest one in her school assignments. Thanks to her she improved in her English just in three months and passed an entrance exam for a new English school. Now she is much more confident in her En... read more

Martina P.
03 December 2018

My name is Martina P. and I am a stay-at-home mother of three children under the age of seven. Monika came into our lives in the beginning of November in the year 2012; she came to assist us during a very important time- our son ´s kindergarten English lessons

Her expertise was just what we needed; not only did ... read more

Katarina L.
15 November 2018

Monika has been our English teacher from May 2012 now. She is responsible, caring and truly enjoys working with young children. Our son 8years old and our daughter 4,5years old are extremely energetic and a bit headstrong. Monika can keep them in line and have fun at the same time. She gives both attention by organizing proje... read more