• Efka.sk
email address
cell phone number
+421 902 426 009
opening hours
8.00 AM - 7:00 PM
Trnava, Slovakia

About me

A positive attitude can really make dreams come true - it did for me.

Hello everyone, my name is Monika Potfajova and I am a full- time English teacher and educator. I guess you are here as you want to know a bit more about me :)

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason, even though we don’t understand it straight away. That is how I would describe me becoming an English teacher. I studied International Commerce and Marketing and I have always loved sales. But after selling educational materials and working with parents and children, I discovered my passion. I really love teaching. For me teaching is everything that gives a child a chance to broaden its horizons.

So how do I teach?

I like to teach in a way children and adults like to be taught and they learn easily. That is why I have different certifications that have at the first sight nothing to do with English teaching (as the school defines it).

How did I start?

I started with babysitting. My first clients were international families with babies (about 5-6 months old). And yes, I was teaching them English (being understood using English language the same way parents were using their mother tongue with their children). Thanks to them I have learnt a lot about what teaching is and what it isn’t. First I did my certification that I needed to start teaching (TEFL / TESOL Teacher) and then I was on my own. It was 8 years ago. Back then there were not many seminars and trainings for teachers like me. Teachers, who are willing to learn, have passion, creative ideas, but not „the right education.“ Thanks to google, youtube, books, self-learning, hours of trying, preparing and studying, I am who I am today. All these little angels have become my teachers and thanks to their growing needs I have gotten certified as....

- Masseur for children and infants with aromatherapy basics

- Swimming instructor with first aid certification

- Trainer for exercising and creative programs for parents with children

Nowadays I have been working with over 60 families with children- with most of them we grow together and have become friends or family.

And why I am writing all this?

I remember how lost I felt in all those books, materials, toys and teaching strategies when I started. On the website you will find my recommendations of things that worked for me and my students. I am sure some will work for you as well and save your time. I am here to share all I know and I hope it will help you to become the best you can be for your children or your students. I believe we can live a happy life doing a job that makes us wake up every morning with a smile on our faces.

"Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me."

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam