• Efka.sk
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+421 902 426 009
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8.00 AM - 7:00 PM
Trnava, Slovakia

VitaMilk alebo MioMat?

Poznáte týchto šikovných pomocníkov do kuchyne? Ak nie, nechajte sa inšpirovať. Ak áno, podeľte sa so mnou o skúsenosti.

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When will my toddler speak English?

After some time you may wonder when your toddler speaks finally English. Good news here- sooner doesn't mean better.

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Koncept kontinua

Kniha na inšpiráciu. Veriť našim inštinktom je správne. Každá mama najlepšie vie, čo jej drobec potrebuje, len si začať veriť.

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Top 5 activities for moms and their 1 year olds

Have you ever been wondering what to do with your children at home? Which activities are the best for their development and reinforcing their behavior? Here you will find my top 5 activities which have worked with me and my families.

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American Sign Language

Why is sign language so fascinating? How could it be helpful while teaching a language? Where to start?

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Ako používať Netflix?

Čo je Netflix a ako by vám mohol pomôcť zdokonaliť sa v angličtine? Stačí ho len začať používať.

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Kúzlo esenciálnych olejov alebo ako si pomôcť pri bežnej nádche?

Nádcha začína tri dni, trvá tri dni a končí tri dni. Tak ako si pomôcť, keď sa už cítime nanič?

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My favorite flashcards resources

There are so many things we can do with flashcards and having a number of quick flashcard games and activities up your sleeve really helps when going through your vocab teaching routine. Let me introduce to you my favorite games and resources.

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My favorite website resources

As I teacher I value reliable resources a lot. Let me introduce my 3 favorites this school year. I Think they could be of great help to you as well.

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